Click one of our ministries for more details.
The Young Adults ministry is developed in the search of young people and connecting them with God and His word in a dynamic and effective way.
Our purpose is to prepare our group for battle with trainings of how to know God, defend our faith, Bible interpretation and develop christian values.
God is seeking for courageous men!
This ministry is designed to train men
to be spiritual leaders at home and at church.
The Men’s net offers programs such as Men Training, Marriage Counseling and cell-groups all over the Westbank.
It is not noise!, It is not a concert!…
It is worship. Our goal its to comunicate the message of Christ in a clear way, using our talents, our voices, our hands and technology as musical instruments, everything with the only purpose of comunicating the message of salvation in every platform that God permit us to minister.
Nothing stops us! We are soldiers, winning the battle on our knees, preaching the gospel without fear and trembling.
The Women’s Net offers programs such as Women Training, Marriage Counseling and cell-groups all over the Westbank.
We are not the future…We are the present!
Here children will be train from birth until becoming adults, giving them tools to be examples in our society, and have a solid Christian Faith.
The Children ministry offers programs such as “NISSI” (Kids Choir), Fun Classes for Kids and small groups.