M.I.E.S. Ministry
MIES is our Christian University, there you will learn how to be a true Christian,
become a leader and serve in one of our ministries.

Knowing the
Word of God
This course provides basic elements of the faith which every new believer should know. The purpose, for the believers to connect with God, and with the Church in a way that is practical and beneficial to their spiritual life growth.

Living the
Word of God
This course offers a biblical perspective of some principles of daily life. The purpose is to prompt the disciples to make an inventory of their current lives and identify practical life adjustments they might need make in order to grow and live a full and effective life while walking in the footsteps of their Teacher, Jesus Christ.

This course emphasizes the need for Christians to tell others what Christ has done in their lives and explore different methods of evangelism which the they can adopt in their daily living. The purpose is to prepare and encourage the believer to practice evangelism as a way of life.

This course is based on the need to investigate and to deepen one’s knowledge of the foundational doctrines of the Christian faith. The purpose is to help the disciple form a solid foundation that takes them to maturity and spiritual security which are necessary to CONNECT, GROW, SERVE, and GO on mission with God.

Christian Character
This course highlights the virtues or qualities of the character of our Lord Jesus Christ in a clear and comprehensible manner. The purpose is to motivate the disciples to work to adopt these virtues and as a result having their character formed in the image and likeness of their Master Jesus Christ; so that the children of God may be thoroughly prepared to serve their Lord with all of their hearts.

The Church and Its Mission
This course will help believers understand the nature of the church, its foundation and its mission to go and make disciples throughout the world. The purpose is to outline a biblical strategy for the establishment of the Kingdom of God in our midst; understanding that the Church of Jesus Christ is the most powerful and important entity on the face of the earth.